Gingko Tree Counseling | Emily Hagenmaier, LCSW


Stress and Trauma Healing

We can understand trauma as too much, too fast, too soon. On a day-to-day experience, the way the dominant culture moves is often too much input for our nervous systems. As a Somatic Experiencing practitioner, currently in my Advanced Year of training, I support healing at the level of the nervous system. Our bodies carry the stories of what happened to us. They simultaneously hold the wisdom and path to our healing and liberation. Instead of approaching treatment from the lens of pathology-- “What’s wrong with you?”-- my approach explores, with warmth and care: “What happened to you?”

Together we will explore ways your body mobilizes to protect, heal, and connect. We will harness imagery, sensory-based resources, and autonomic movement to promote wellbeing and reduce suffering. We will uncover the ways in which heartbreak and hope live side by side and how what happened to you can also hold the key to your healing.

Through integrating the richness of your experience and feeling into healthy boundaries you can gain more understanding, connection, and pleasure.

Perinatal Health and Support for Parents

The process of becoming a parent can be a time of both tremendous joy and stress. Previously held expectations about fertility, pregnancy, birth, and life with a new infant are often challenged. In this time of immense change and adjustment, relationships may be strained and grief, anxiety, and depression can permeate. Parents who examine their own histories and gain self-understanding support the secure attachment and development of their child. Therapy can be an invaluable tool in this process. Ginkgo Tree Counseling offers support to individuals and families negotiating transitions into parenthood and throughout their parenting experience.


Initial Assessment: $175

Psychotherapy, 50 minutes: $160

Ginkgo Tree Counseling is an in-network provider with Quartz and Badgercare.

Telehealth appointments are available via a secure platform.

As of January 1, 2022, healthcare providers are required to provide estimates for the costs of your care. The Good Faith Estimate shows the cost of items and services that are reasonably expected for your needs. This information will be provided for you upon scheduling and/or as requested. This Good Faith Estimate does not include unexpected costs that could arise during treatment.